Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster laureate of the Biocluster « France 2030 » program
This research center will allow the structuring of our ecosystems and the research policy of the Health Innovation Plan 2030 and will contribute to the strategy to fight cancer by the Prime Minister and the entire Government.
Launched in February 2022 by Gustave-Roussy, Sanofi, l’Inserm, l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris et l’Université Paris-Saclay, the Paris-Saclay Cancer Cluster (PSCC) is the first winner of the "Biocluster" call for expressions of interest under the France 2030 plan.
Joined by UNICANCER, l’Institut Curie, l’AP-HP et Medicen, le PSCC has received the support of more than 80 start-ups, biotechs and large pharmaceutical groups.
Its mission is to orchestrate strong interactions between researchers, patients, healthcare professionals, start-ups, SMEs, pharmaceutical companies and investors within a dynamic ecosystem anchored in Villejuif.
Its objective is to accelerate the development of new cancer treatments, medical devices and diagnostic solutions in France. The PSCC will support industrial projects at different levels of maturity and facilitate the connection of these projects with the necessary experts, platforms and resources.
The PSCC aims to position France among the world leaders in turning science into value for patients and society.
Press release here.